Like barley, peas or millet it was one of the cereals used more in the backyard in France than to feed people. Its success comes from oatmeal.
It is not just breakfast cereal, its gruel (hulled oats) is well suited with authentic oatmeal and with a creamy preparation for example polenta.
The parternity of oats is discussed : The Middle-East, North-East China or Mongolia… in any case its culture first spread to Northern Europe.
Soak the oats for 12 hours to reduce cooking time. Wash the oats. If desired, dry-fry them in a pan, taking care not to burn them. Place the oats in twice their volume of cold water. Slowly bring to the boil then reduce to a simmer and cook for 40 minutes. Oats can be eaten hot as a side dish, in gratin or in veggie burgers. Keep in a cool, dry and dark place.