Gluten-free food: true and false

Pas facile de démêler le vrai du faux quand il s’agit d’alimentation sans gluten.
Ces protéines présentes dans certaines céréales donnent leur moelleux et leur élasticité aux aliments, mais peuvent entraîner nombre de désagréments…
Utile ou non, dangereux ou pas, le gluten ? On fait le point !

Is gluten dangerous ?

Faux, mais… Le gluten n’est véritablement dangereux qu’en cas de maladie cœliaque, qui concernerait environ 1% de la population, souvent non-diagnostiquée. Pour les personnes atteintes, la consommation de gluten provoque des troubles et des dommages au niveau du système digestif pouvant être graves. Un régime strictement sans gluten est alors indispensable. Pour les autres, la consommation de gluten n’entraîne ni complications, ni dommages dangereux. En revanche, elle peut perturber les organismes sensibles et provoquer des sensations d’inconfort. On parle alors d’hypersensibilité au gluten, la véritable intolérance désignant les malades cœliaques.

Le gluten d’aujourd’hui n’est pas le même que celui d’hier ?

True ! Modern cereals are the result of successive crosses aimed at increasing crop yields and adapting the characteristics of the cereal (texture, taste, etc.) as required. To achieve this, the characteristics of gluten are sought after. In addition to being found in cereals, gluten can sometimes even be added to certain industrial products. As a result, most cereal products today contain more gluten than those of our ancestors. 

Is it risky to eliminate gluten ?
False, but... The risk does not come from eliminating gluten from the diet, but rather from eliminating products containing gluten. Care must be taken to maintain a healthy and balanced diet.

Are gluten-free products healthier ?

False. They are certainly easier to digest, but the absence of gluten does not guarantee a quality product. On the contrary, many industrial products compensate for the loss of elasticity with additives, fat, salt, sugar, etc. Their quality then declines. The solution? Favour minimally processed, quality organic products and read the labels to check their composition.

Does eating a gluten-free diet make you feel better ?

True... and false. Reducing gluten in the diet can improve digestive well-being even for those who are not sensitive to it, by lightening the body’s digestive work. According to specialists, the benefits come as much from the reduction of gluten as from the reduction of fructans (carbohydrates present in cereals that cause gas and bloating). But here again, a diet that is too restrictive or unbalanced causes more inconvenience than benefits and a balanced diet must be the top priority ! 

Does gluten-free nutrition make you lose weight ?

False, since everything will depend on what gluten is replaced with. The weight loss reported by some gluten-free enthusiasts has mainly been due to a reduction in their intake of cereals and therefore of calories.